Custom Forms
Save Time on Intake
A key aspect of this feature is the Customizable Application Forms. Designed to simplify the intake process, these forms allow for the use of tailored applications that automatically create profiles for incoming residents.
This means that the client's self reporting information from the application autofills into their client profile, eliminating double-data entry on intake.
Stay in Compliance with E-Signatures
Resident forms are signed documents. Every Resident Form submission goes straight to the resident's profile, ensuring that all data is stored in one centralized location and is linked directly to the resident.
Included in Sobriety Hub are templates for:
- Medication Policy
- House Rules
- Discharge Policy
- Payment Policy
- Application
- Recurrence of Use Policy
All of these templates are customizable and premade in your account!
Get That Special Data
Use forms to make your own overnight pass requests, and chore completion forms, meeting attendance, etc.
You can generate evidence-based scales using information collected from both our prebuilt and custom forms. This plays a crucial role in both individual recovery planning and securing grants for your recovery residence. Premade scales included in sobriety hub off-the-shelf include:
- BARC-10 Assessment
- Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7)
- PTSD Checklist (PCL-5)
- Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10)
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
A Look at our Custom Forms