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Treating Symptoms & The Broken Addiction System - an interview with Adam Moulton

Written by Sobriety Hub LLC | Apr 21, 2023 9:44:04 PM
In this interview, Clay Canfield, founder of Sobriety Hub software, spoke with Adam Moulton, founder of Reverence House Sober Living in Central New Hampshire. Moulton, a former clinical therapist in California, started Reverence House after experiencing both good and bad recovery homes. He returned to New Hampshire to help rebuild the community he once played a part in destroying. Moulton shared his concerns about the state's 28-day treatment centers, which often fail to provide long-term support for individuals in recovery. He believes these centers inadvertently set people up for failure by not informing them that the treatment is insufficient, leading patients to blame themselves when they struggle.
To combat this issue, Moulton's Reverence House focuses on providing a strong social environment and a sense of family to support recovering individuals. The facility offers a rigorous program with structure, accountability, and responsibility, alongside therapy and educational sessions on various topics. Moulton stresses the importance of addressing underlying issues rather than just treating symptoms. Reverence House utilizes Sobriety Hub software to facilitate accountability and keep track of residents, which Moulton praises for its structured approach.
Moulton also appreciates Sobriety Hub's organizational capabilities, such as having everything on one screen compared to traditional file cabinets and papers. The mood notes feature allows him to track residents' mood changes over time, helping gauge their well-being. The platform's rental management feature streamlines tasks and saves time, while the ability to check alumni and maintain records of those who cannot return to the house has proven valuable.
Moulton credits his family, therapists, and girlfriend for his success, emphasizing the importance of self-worth and building a strong relationship with oneself. He believes that people in recovery can offer valuable lessons to others and encourages empathy, education, and advocacy for those who struggle. With future plans to expand Reverence House facilities, Moulton aims to continue improving the quality of substance abuse and mental health treatment in New Hampshire.
0:00 Intros
1:00 Founding Story of Reverence House
3:05 What was it like opening a new house?
6:10 Future plans for sober living expansion
12:30 What makes Reverence unique?
21:29 What is it like using Sobriety Hub?
26:30 Shout outs!